Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Home workouts on the rise because of expensive gyms

Gym memberships can be expensive, especially when you work out cost per visit if you struggle to visit on regular occurrence.

In fact, new research has revealed that 61% of Britons partake in home workouts, compared to 21% who visit an actual gym for their exercise.

The top home workouts were revealed in the poll to be exercise DVDs, YouTube videos, running and workouts using exercise equipment you have in the house, like treadmills or bikes.

But if people don’t have gym equipment at home, they’re not opposed to making the most of the situation, using tinned foods as weights and stairs for exercises.

George Charles, spokesperson for, said the following: “It’s really good to see that plenty of people aren’t wasting their money on gym memberships and are getting inventive to work out at home instead. Using heavy objects from the kitchen cupboards as tins of beans and running up and down the stairs are fantastic ways to keep fit, as long as it’s done safely.

“There’s no point paying for a gym membership when you can throw on a pair of trainers and go running in your local area. However, those doing home exercise should be careful that they don’t end up spending a small fortune on the latest workout gear, DVDs and fitness gadgets or you may end up paying more than you would on a gym membership!”

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