Sunday 6 April 2014

Drinking Coffee Linked To Decreased Liver Cirrhosis Death Risk

A new study shows that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of death by liver cirrhosis.

The team of researchers examined data on diet, lifestyle, and medical history of subjects in the prospective population-based study called the Singapore Chinese Health Study, which tracked 63,000 subjects for 15 years. They found that 114 subjects died from liver cirrhosis, and that those who drank two or more cups of coffee each day had a 66% lower mortality rate than those who did not drink that amount of coffee daily.

Lead researcher Dr. Woon-Puay Koh said that the study results "provide further impetus to evaluate coffee as a potential therapeutic agent in patients with cirrhosis."

The findings are published in the journal "Hepatology."

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